Journal Entry 3 (Scripting)

Date: 15.3.2022

  • went through the Scripting Walkthrough up to Part 3


I don't like the Unity naming conventions. I'm used to different C# naming conventions from a non-gaming corporate background and open-source projects, for example, "all public members must start with a capital letter". I'm getting the conventions mixed up which results in a little bit of chaos in the code and the Unity UI.

I like the Walkthrough document structure and I enjoyed going through it.

While doing the part "Create several variants of the bullet", where I decided to use different sprite colors, the colors were by default set to alpha=0 ie. transparent, which resulted in the bullet appearing for one frame and then disappearing. It took me a few minutes to realize the mistake.

Invested time:

  • Scripting Walkthrough Part 1-3: 3 hours

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