Journal Entry - Project B build

Date: 12.4.2022


  • made the level according to the One Page Design from Project A


The crucial part of the level design was the unkillable spitters, shooting through walls. I had to duplicate the Spitter prefab to create my own version with adjustable shooting frequency. I also had to edit the EnemyBehaviour script to allow for adjustable projectile speed. This made it easier to adjust the difficulty of this hazard.

I added "void" below the map which instantly kills the player to avoid infinite falling in case the player manages to escape level bounds.

I found the level to be a little bit short, so I joined it with the levels I previously created by teleporting the player there.

Invested time:

  • Level implementation: 7 hours


Build (attached)

Files 80 MB
Apr 12, 2022

Get Project B

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